Alentejo and Douro regions in the spotlight this week at the Portugal Pavilion

The Portuguese regions of Alentejo and Douro will be featured this week at Expo 2020 Dubai to show the world the cultural, economic, and touristic potential of their territories. From 8-11 February, the Portugal Pavilion hosts an institutional mission from the Invest in Alentejo project, followed by the Douro-themed event Freixo de Espada à Cinta & Douro Superior Days”, between 12-13 February.


The first event kicked off today, February 8th, with a public session on the key development and attraction axes for the Alentejo region – aeronautics, ports & logistics, agroindustry, tourism, energy and digital. Invest in Alentejo is led by the Alentejo Regional Development Agency (ADRAL).


Between Wednesday and Friday, the program includes daily presentations on each of these sectors and several networking meetings to promote business and investment opportunities.


On February 12th and 13th, the spotlight shifts to the municipalities of Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Moncorvo and Carrazeda de Ansiães, integrated in the Douro Superior sub-region, in the interior of Portugal.


The two-day event will bring a series of seminars to promote the region’s potential, with special emphasis on natural and handmade silk products, as well as endogenous wines and delicacies like olive oil, black olives from Freixo, orange and almond.


The goal is to reinforce the internationalization of goods and services in Alentejo and Douro regions and attract foreign investors to its economic fabric.


More information and full programs here.